The core of our activities is to create memorable productions for both our audiences and us. ToYo Mainstage is an amalgamation of exceptional Adaptations of plays and our own Original Productions crafted on the basis of experimentation and fresh, new perspectives to create the best artistic experience for our audience.

We guarantee a rigorous training that will help you explore yourself in ways you never knew. This is why, we have called this branch – Full Amount Refund Training (FARTs) because at ToYo, we believe in investing in the right processes- ones that work. These trainings are for people committed to learning, willing to absorb, grow and expand multi-dimensionally, which has always been the nature of our group.
ToYo FARTs is a bold and challenging advanced training lab to train adults and experienced performers to explore various dimensions within themselves that can be useful for creating and crafting the arts based on unrealized fundamentals.
We follow what we call the 12 Steps to Scripts approach to train our students on Script Analysis. For our most prominent Acting Programme, we use tools from renowned Sanford Meisner technique, Chekhov, and physical training blended with our experimental and experiential training process to build a process inside you as good as your second nature.
We look at practical tools to make use of the 3 most important aspects of doing art.
To know more about the curriculum, approach, training method, and upcoming classes for Advance Actor's Training, please visit the Meisner Training page.